It’s Playtime Once More at Marina Square

After the Superhero Me festival, we had lunch nearby and then we walked to Marina Square. I saw a picture of some retro playground thing called It’s Playtime Once More at the Central Atrium and was eager to check it out. To be honest, it looks great but wasn’t as fun as I expected it to be. There are two sets of seesaws, a swing, and a very gentle slope in the watermelon slice that I think is supposed to be a slide.

The elephant playground and bumboat playground are just backdrops and there’s nothing to climb on or play with. You can take a step up into the dragon’s head but you can’t climb on the body. The kids had a go on the seesaw, swing, and slide, got restless, and started wondering what they could do next.

They decided to try some of the old school games like spinning the gasing, kicking capteh, flipping flag erasers, and folding origami. I think they managed to have fun after all but I would have to say this retro playground set-up at Marina Square looks better than it actually is. Worth visiting if you want to show the kids what playgrounds used to look like and introduce them to the games you played while growing up.

watermelon seesaw

watermelon seesaw

resting in the pelican

resting in the pelican

peeping out from the watermelon

peeping out from the watermelon

a slide, I think

a slide, I think



attempting gasing

attempting gasing

a little help from Aunty Von

a little help from Aunty Von

trying to kick a capteh

trying to kick a capteh





what's going on in that corner?

what’s going on in that corner?

playing card games and flipping erasers

playing card games and flipping erasers

It’s Playtime Once More
Marina Square Central Atrium
Until 28 June

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