Breakfast with Hi-5

Hi-5 has been part of our life for 5 years now and we were so excited to have breakfast with them last Saturday. Adam is a big Hi-5 fan and when Dayen sat down with us for breakfast, he was so overwhelmed that he became very shy and awkward. I guess I would be too if Hugh Jackman sat down in front of me!

Adam didn’t want to look at Dayen or even take a photo with her. He practically tried to burrow into my side! She was so sweet to him though and signed a cap for him. Dayen (and the rest of the Hi-5 cast) is really nice and so easy to talk to; we had a lovely breakfast with them. Thankfully, Adam warmed up eventually and had so much fun blowing bubbles with the Hi-5 members outside.

giving N a big Hi 5!

giving N a big Hi 5!

so happy waiting for Hi-5

so happy waiting for Hi-5

super awkward when Dayen is near!

super awkward when Dayen is near!

warmed up and happily blowing bubbles

warmed up and happily blowing bubbles

with Stevie

with Stevie

with Tanika

with Tanika

with Mary

with Mary

and with Ainsley

and with Ainsley

just look at his face!

just look at his face!

1, 2, 3, 4... Hi 5!!!

1, 2, 3, 4… Hi 5!!!

in a blissful state after the encounter

in a blissful state after the encounter

Hi-5 is performing at United Square every day (except Wednesdays) at 2.30pm, 5pm and 7pm. They will be back again in September for Hi-5 House of Dreams and tickets are available now!

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