Group Therapy at Katong V

I’ve been attending trapeze classes at Simply Yoga in Katong V so Adrian and the kids came along with me the other day when it was a public holiday. We ate at Group Therapy before my class and I think it was the first time we had brunch with all three kids!

David was nursing and dozing but not making any fuss so I could eat the entire meal in peace, which is very rare. Anya and Adam fed themselves and ate heartily because the food was good. A very peaceful meal! I could even take photos of the food (excuse the crap quality; they were taken with my phone in low light) and the kids.

waiting for food

waiting for food

very decent coffee

very decent coffee

Adrian's breakfast platter

Adrian’s breakfast platter

pancakes for me

pancakes for me

making a funny face

making a funny face

busy eating

busy eating

David and me

David and me

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