Winter is Coming!

Happy Winter Solstice Festival! It’s Dong Zhi (冬至, or the ‘arrival of winter’) today and, for as long as I can remember, I have always eaten dumplings on this day. We usually have plain pink or white tang yuan (汤圆, a type of dumpling) made from glutinous rice flour and served in a sweet soup. I’m always very supportive of festivals that involve food even if I don’t exactly know why certain food items have to be eaten!

Apparently, the dumplings eaten for Dong Zhi symbolise reunion. My mum says the dumplings also represent growing up/ getting older so the number of dumplings eaten have to correspond with your age. Since it’s hard for the older folks to eat so many dumplings, the pink ones represent 5 years while the white ones represent 1 year. I just eat as many as I possibly can!

I thought it would be fun for the kids to make dumplings this year, so we did! We used about 300g of glutinous rice flour and 300ml of water. Anya did a really good job with the pink ones while Adam spent his time flattening the ones we made so we had to reshape them again. I had my dumplings in a hot ginger soup which was perfect for the rainy weather. You can easily get frozen ready-made dumplings from the supermarket but homemade tang yuan are a lot more meaningful. :)

messing around with flour

messing around with flour



random squishing

random squishing

dough is taking shape

dough is taking shape

making tang yuan

making tang yuan

not sure what he's doing

not sure what he’s doing

ready to be cooked!

ready to be cooked!

after boiling

after boiling



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