Fourth Lesson with Skate With Us

Anya was in a bad mood last Saturday. She complained about being tired right at the start of the lesson and was fussing about her guards sliding around. So she wasn’t the most cooperative and insisted that Adrian follow her around and she kept flopping on him. The instructor got them to move and pick up cones and also got them to practice moving in a straight line.

Adam with his skate scooter

Adam with his skate scooter

they had a female instructor last week

they had a female instructor last week

moving and picking up cones

moving and picking up cones

moving and picking up cones

moving and picking up cones

Adam harassing the touch-me-not

Adam harassing the touch-me-not

moving from one station to the next

moving from one station to the next

can't see him but Adrian's standing right behind her

can’t see him but Adrian’s standing right behind her

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