British Museum

Some pictures of the pieces at the British Museum! To be perfectly honest, after having visited the American Museum of Natural History and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, it’s hard to be impressed by the British Museum and the Natural History Museum in London!

British Museum

British Museum



The Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone

Statue of Ramesses II

Statue of Ramesses II

some winged Egyptian mythical creature

some winged human-headed Assyrian bull

Lachish relief

Lachish relief

Elgin marbles

Elgin marbles

Parthenon sculpture

Parthenon sculpture

horse head

horse head

Parthenon sculpture

Parthenon sculpture

some Mexican goddess

some Mexican goddess

Double-headed serpent turquoise mosaic

Double-headed serpent turquoise mosaic

some Mexican sculpture

some Mexican sculpture

Sculpture of a Huastec goddess

Sculpture of a Huastec goddess

Hoa Hakananai'a Easter Island statue

Hoa Hakananai’a Easter Island statue



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