Anya the Little Red Hen

We signed Anya up for a Chinese theatre holiday camp with Apple Pie Language and it was conducted in her school over 3 mornings during the first week of the school holidays. I wasn’t sure if she would like the class because she gets very self-conscious when she has to perform in front of other people and there was a mini performance scheduled for the last day of the camp.

When I went to watch the performance, she looked very excited and she was dressed as one of the hens. The hens got to stand in front and had the most singing/ dancing of the different groups of animals. She was performing confidently and she said she enjoyed the holiday camp so I was really happy!

teachers prepping the kids

teachers prepping the kids

lining up to come in

lining up to come in

screenshot of performance

screenshot of performance

at the end of the performance

at the end of the performance

my little chickadee

my little chickadee

with her (boy)friend

with her (boy)friend

3 thoughts on “Anya the Little Red Hen

  1. Pingback: The Enormous Turnip | Life in the Wee Hours

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