Anya’s 4th Birthday: Mr Men & Little Miss Party

Anya’s birthday fell on a Saturday this year so we were able to celebrate it on the actual day. The birthday girl is very much into the Mr Men & Little Miss series currently so that was the theme for her party!

birthday banner

birthday banner

goody bags

goody bags


colouring on Mr Men print-outs

This was the first time Anya had a party where she had a say in the guest list! We usually invite our friends/ cousins and their kids but this time we had a few of her schoolmates as well. I think she was really happy to have them there.

fun at the playground

fun at the playground



James Bond

James Bond

in the cockpit

in the cockpit

climbing up and down

climbing up and down

with some of her classmates

with some of her classmates

In keeping with the theme, we had a Mr Bump piñata. The anguished expression on his face makes all the piñata pictures look hilarious! Most of the girls chose to pull on the ribbons below Mr Bump and the boys preferred using the plastic baseball bat that we brought along.

most of the girls chose to pull a ribbon

the dainty way

the boys had a smashing good time

the boys had a smashing good time

Poor Mr Bump!

Poor Mr Bump!

giving it one final pull

giving it one final pull

Mr Bump spills his guts

Mr Bump spills his guts

emptying out Mr Bump

emptying out Mr Bump



Sam and his haul

Sam and his haul

Isaac managed to collect some too

Isaac managed to collect some too

Adrian was supposed to bake a rainbow cake and cover it in fondant to make it look like Little Miss Naughty but it didn’t work out as planned. Good thing we had Mr Men & Little Miss cake toppers!

It was a bit chaotic this year and Anya was very upset after she accidentally fell off the sofa while we were taking photos so I didn’t insist on the usual group shots!

the cake

the cake

Happy birthday, Anya!

Happy birthday, Anya!

most of the kids

most of the kids

The grown-ups had fun with the Mr Men & Little Miss photo booth props that I made. I think we are all really young at heart and enjoy being silly now and then! ;)

the Gohs

the Gohs

us being silly

us being silly

the Quahs

the Quahs

with Selena & Sharon

with Selena & Sharon

Will have another post with details of the party decor, goody bag, piñata and other bits & pieces soon!

12 thoughts on “Anya’s 4th Birthday: Mr Men & Little Miss Party

  1. Hemal

    Lovely party…..i have also organized my daughter’s birthday party next month and have kept the theme as Little Miss and Mr Men…. got wonderful ideas from your blog…i love the pinata…the photo shoot props and the cake… daughter is gonna be 2 in april….Am from India…. :) ….love to anya…

  2. Susan

    Did I read correctly?your hubby was going to bake a rainbow cake? Wow… Love your deco, birthday banner and photo props and cake too. What a fun fun theme!

    1. delphine Post author

      Thanks! :) Yah, he made one to try but the layers were too dense and he couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the cake so he gave up!

  3. olimomok

    Such a great theme and party! I love Mr Men too – may borrow the idea for Sean’s next party ;) And the props are fabulous!!! Happy birthday, Anya!

  4. Amy

    This is exactly what I’m looking for when my son turns three next month. You don’t happen to recall where you got all these great things, do you? I’d really appreciate the help. Thanks!

  5. Gail

    Hi! i chanced upon your post as i am planning a mr men party for my 5 year old. Where did you get the Mr bump pinata if you dont mind me asking? :)


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