Harry Potter: The Exhibition

We went to Harry Potter: The Exhibition at the Marina Bay Sands ArtScience Museum with Vonnie on Wednesday. The exhibition was interesting, although somewhat expensive, and it was quite an experience being able to look at some of the costumes and props from the Harry Potter movies up close after reading all the books and watching all the movies.

Anya’s favourite bits were the moving ‘painting’ of the Fat Lady, the jelly beans and chocolate rabbits in the Great Hall, the shaking egg on the table inside Hagrid’s cottage, pulling up the screaming Mandrakes and throwing Quaffles through hoops. But she was quite frightened of all the evil-looking creatures in the Dark Forces area and I had to carry her through quickly.

Afterwards, she said in a very auntie manner, “That was very scary, you know? Why did you bring me here? Huh, huh?” She also insisted on buying a chocolate frog to eat and it came with a lenticular card of Quirinus Quirrell (of all people!) inside.

it was a blazing hot day!

Anya sticking her butt out

a flying car!

we’re so excited

last shot before the exhibition


2 thoughts on “Harry Potter: The Exhibition

  1. Pingback: Mummy & Miller: A Day at the ArtScience Museum | Life in the Wee Hours

  2. Pingback: Potted Potter Giveaway! | Life in the Wee Hours

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