We’ve been using Anya’s bedroom as a storeroom for the past 1½ years or so but we’re trying to kick her out of our bed into her own so Adrian finally got around to clearing out the junk in her room. Then we dragged ourselves down to Ikea to look around. I think their children’s beds are really cute and we were considering the KRITTER one with the adorable sheep but decided that it’s just not practical to get her such a tiny bed. We weren’t sure if we wanted to get a single bed from Ikea so we checked out a few other furniture places but didn’t see anything we liked. Some of my friends suggested the Maxtrix system which I think is kinda cool but, in the end, we decided on the very basic MALM bed frame from Ikea.
Ikea delivered and set up everything on Monday and Anya picked out a set of Mickey Mouse bedding from Aussino. Speaking of which, why is it always Mickey Mouse for the boys and Minnie Mouse for the girls?? Anya loves Mickey and doesn’t care very much for Minnie but all the Mickey products are designed for boys! Anyway, look at the leaf attached to Anya’s bed. After the things were delivered, Adrian immediately got out his tools and fixed up the leaf for his daughter in a matter of minutes. In comparison, I have a board that I bought months ago that I have been asking him to put up in the kitchen for me but he hasn’t gotten around to it! I’m facing discrimination in my own home!!
testing mattresses
Anya took this picture of us looking at mattress pads
her new bed