RK Eating House

RK Eating House is always good for a few laughs and their epic beverage towers and ridiculously tall tissue prata make for memorable Instagram pictures. We ordered the 2-litre tower of Milo and had no problem finishing it. I’m still waiting for the day I have enough people with me to order the 5-litre one!

The plaster prata is just awesome, crispy with a perfectly runny egg yolk to top it off and the tissue prata is totally worth the wait. The kids were so excited to see the gigantic cone and surprisingly, we actually managed to finish most of it. It looks structurally unsound but it will stay upright as long as you work your way down from the top. We had some leftovers that we took away with us and they were gobbled up too.

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2 litres of Milo

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Indian rojak

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epic tissue prata is epic

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the plaster prata is so awesome

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giant mug of iced tea

RK Eating House
1 Kensington Park Rd
Singapore 557253

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