Hi-5 House of Dreams: Goodbye, Stevie!

I can’t quite believe that Stevie Nicholson is leaving Hi-5! We have been watching Hi-5 for more than 5 years now and Stevie is so much a part of the group that we’re really going to miss him terribly. Thankfully, we get to watch him in action one last time when we catch Hi-5 House of Dreams at Marina Bay Sands on 12 and 13 September.

Stevie with Anya back in 2011

Stevie with Anya back in 2011

with Stevie and the old gang

with Stevie and the old gang

Adam with Stevie in June

Adam with Stevie in June

with the new Hi-5 members

with the new Hi-5 members

To make sure that more people get to bid farewell to Stevie, there’s a very special promotion going on. Enjoy 15% discount with every purchase of 5 tickets and above of VIP2, or B Reserve categories. This offer is limited to the first 500 tickets only so grab a friend and book some tickets to catch Hi-5 House of Dreams with your little ones!

Adam is so very excited and we can’t wait to enter the colourful and magical world of dreams with Stevie, Ainsley, Mary, Dayen and Tanika as they embark on musical journeys through a jungle, fairy garden, outer space, underwater and superheroes! We’re going to have a lot of fun singing and dancing with Hi-5 so we hope to see you there.

Hi-5 House of Dreams

Hi-5 House of Dreams

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