We managed to get tickets for Navy@Vivo and so we took the kids to check out RSS Persistence. When we reached the waiting area for the Fast Craft Utility (FCU) ride however, we were told that the ride had been suspended because of the weather. The kids were so disappointed. We tried again after lunch, but after we had put on our life jackets, the ride was suspended AGAIN! We decided to wait around for a bit and eventually managed to get on the FCU. The kids had such a good time.
Navy@Vivo was a really well-organised event. EVERY SINGLE PERSON was patient, friendly and kind even though they had to be on their feet for hours and hours. We were all very impressed. Great job, Singapore Navy!


getting comfy

making her way down

no FCU ride?

rain, rain, go away

settled for a picture in the helicopter

excellent wet weather procedure

sad kids

second try

wondering why mummy likes to take photos

on the FCU

enjoying the breeze

with grandpa

heading back
