Capturing Kids at Play with Canon

Last Saturday, we attended a photography workshop by Bob Lee and Canon and he shared some tricks to capturing great photos of kids. It was a humourous session filled with beautiful, heartwarming pictures of his family and it made me want to take better photos of my kids.

sharing by Bob Lee

sharing by Bob Lee

These are some points Bob covered:

A – Angle
B – Bokeh
C – Continuous mode
D – Distance/ Detail
E – Exposure

It really set me thinking about the type of photos I usually take and how I can try to improve them. He mentioned something about how the photo should make people want to know more about it. I think my photos tend to be quite straightforward, predictable and matter-of-fact, nothing much to know more about!

After his sharing, I tried to take some photos of the kids. Adam was making a mosaic picture and Anya was baking. I think I still need lots of practise to break out of my usual photo-taking habits. Thank you, Canon for organising the session!



working on his mosaic craft

working on his mosaic craft

making and decorating cupcakes

making and decorating cupcakes

having fun

having fun

trying to capture her expression of concentration

trying to capture her expression of concentration

a shot from the fondant's point of view

a shot from the fondant’s point of view


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