Tennis Trial Class for Adam

We signed Adam up for a tennis trial class for 2 to 4-year-old kids at The Tennis Club and he enjoyed it! There were two other children in his class and they all looked like they were having a good time. The class started with some warm-ups and the kids ran a couple of rounds around the indoor court and then jumped through hoops. The coach then got them to catch some balls with little nets before getting them to try hitting a few balls.

I like that the coach was patient but firm with the kids. She was very encouraging but didn’t let them get away with fooling around. So we’ve signed him up for classes and now Anya says she wants to go for a trial class! We’ll see how things go for her.

jumping on hoops

jumping through hoops

catching balls

catching balls

listening to instructions

listening to instructions

waiting for his turn

waiting for his turn

trying to hit some balls

trying to hit some balls

I think he liked picking up the balls

I think he liked picking up the balls



drinking water after class

drinking water after class

5 thoughts on “Tennis Trial Class for Adam

  1. May

    Ooo… Looks fun! I’ve been thinking about tennis classes for my boy too. He’ll turn 3 next month. Are instructions pegged at the kids’ understanding level? And how long is each session? :)

    1. delphine Post author

      Each session is 45 minutes long so I feel it’s not too tiring for the kids. Adam is younger than your boy and was able to follow along so the instructions are definitely at their level.

  2. Pingback: Anya in her Tennis Class | Life in the Wee Hours

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