Anya’s 5th Birthday: Celebration in School

We celebrated Anya’s birthday in school a day before we left for a short trip to Ho Chi Minh City. I was looking back at the photos from her 3rd and 4th birthday celebrations in school and realised that she has a round Bengawan Solo cake every year. Totally unplanned but an interesting coincidence! This time, we got little wooden model kits for the boys and felt stitching/ cross stitch kits for the girls. Reinforcing stereotypes, I know.

We pulled Adam out of his class to join in the celebration. I think Anya was happy to have her brother there because she can get a bit self-conscious when she’s the centre of attention. You can see her holding on to his hand the entire time while they are in front! I really cherish these celebrations in school because I know we won’t be able to do it anymore when the kids are out of kindergarten.

Ariel cake

Ariel cake

singing the birthday song

singing the birthday song

blowing out the candles

blowing out the candles

family picture

family picture

with her teachers

with her teachers

cutting her cake

cutting her cake

enjoying her cake

enjoying her cake

still eating while heading back to class

still eating while heading back to class

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