Ice-Skating at The Rink

The first and only time we took Anya ice-skating was in June last year. Back then, the smallest skates at The Rink were too big for her and they didn’t have the penguin skating aid yet, so she was basically just slipping and sliding all over the place. But she’s been learning inline-skating and when Adrian took her skating last Saturday, she was much better and also a lot more confident with the skating aid to help her!

at The Rink

at The Rink

stopping to say hi

stopping to say hi

posing with her penguin skating aid

posing with her penguin skating aid

practicing on non-slippery ground

practicing on non-slippery ground

hanging on to the penguin

hanging on to the penguin

moving on her own

moving on her own

2 thoughts on “Ice-Skating at The Rink

  1. Christy @

    I wanted to check out The Rink in J Cube since my kids have been pestering me to go after a short ice skating session on cruise recently. The penguin seems a good start for young ones, but I feel kids can learn skating pretty fast and probably learn faster without any aids. But certainly with help, they will feel much secured to start off with. Thanks for sharing this experience!


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