Halloween Arts & Crafts with the CBeebies Club

Last Saturday we attended a Mister Maker-themed Halloween art & craft session by CBeebies Club. Anya likes to get crafty and I like it when I don’t have to worry about preparing the materials or cleaning up! It was also nice to see a few familiar faces at the session.

our crafts for the day

our crafts for the day

Our crafts for that day were a hairy spider and a felt pumpkin. The spider is made by winding wool around a piece of cardboard, tying the ball of wool around the middle and again on the other side, cutting the strands on the outside to make the ball ‘fluffy’ and then inserting pipe cleaners for the legs and sticking on felt shapes for the features. Anya liked her spider so much she decided to wear it like a necklace!

winding the wool for her spider

winding the wool for her spider



making her spider fluffy

making her spider fluffy

gluing on the facial features

gluing on the facial features

pretending to be scared of her spider

pretending to be scared of her spider

she thought it'd be funny to add eyebrows

she thought it’d be funny to add eyebrows

yay, a picture of me!

yay, a picture of me!

We were given the materials for the pumpkin (hint: there’s a tetra pak in there to give the pumpkin its shape!) and had the option of making it there or taking the materials home. Anya decided to make the pumpkin at home and started on her spooky snacks instead. It was a really fun session and we had a great time. Looking forward to future CBeebies Club activities!

spooky snacks!

spooky snacks!

three sweet little girls

three sweet little girls

the kids

the kids

2 thoughts on “Halloween Arts & Crafts with the CBeebies Club

  1. Theresa

    Hello Delphine! Stumbled upon your blog and am happy to find out that you’re a fellow blogger! The spider looks very cute. More cute than scary perhaps and Anya looked like she had alot of fun!


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