Joel’s 1st Birthday Party

After Kate’s full-month party, we headed to Joel’s birthday party. Two parties in a row is tiring especially after two classes (Anya’s piano and Adam’s gym) and a play (Goldilocks & the 3 Bears) in the morning!

I’d gotten birthday presents for the birthday boy, Sam & Dan and Sophia from Elly’s latest collection and we dressed the kids up for the party in matching outfits. The birthday boy already had an outfit planned so he didn’t join us.

Sophia in pink chevrons

Sophia in pink chevrons

Adam in blue chevrons

Adam in blue chevrons

feeding her little bro

feeding her little bro

Dan in grey and Sam in yellow chevrons

Dan in grey and Sam in yellow chevrons

hard to get a decent group shot!

hard to get a decent group shot!

chevrons in the garden

chevrons in the garden

jumping for balloons

jumping for balloons

Joel's 1st

the cake

the birthday boy & parents

the birthday boy & parents (photo from Von)

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