Anya’s 4th Birthday: Celebration in School

We went to Anya’s school on Thursday and brought along a Little Miss Naughty cake (her choice) from Bengawan Solo and some small gifts for her friends. I’m glad that she was willing to blow her candles out because she was so self-conscious during her birthday celebration in class last year that she didn’t want to blow the candles out!

saying a prayer

saying a prayer

Little Miss Naughty

Little Miss Naughty

with her classmates

with her classmates

blowing out the candles

blowing out the candles

with her teachers

with her teachers

with us

with us

teacher explaining to the class what a tangram puzzle is

teacher explaining to the class what a tangram puzzle is

3 thoughts on “Anya’s 4th Birthday: Celebration in School

  1. Pingback: Anya’s 5th Birthday: Celebration in School | Life in the Wee Hours

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