Hi-5 at United Square

We went to watch Hi-5 at United Square on Friday! We got there about two hours before the show and since there was no sign of a queue forming, I went to Cotton On Kids to buy $30 worth of clothes to get a receipt to exchange for a photo pass.

We had a late breakfast at the toast place in the basement while I kept a sharp eye on the queue. It was quite confusing because there were two queues: one for the photo pass and one for the seating area! We decided to queue for a photo pass and then pop back into the queue for the seating area.

Anya was very patient throughout and I struck up a conversation with another mummy in the queue so the time went by quickly. It was our first time watching the new Hi-5 cast member, Dayen Zheng, in action. She’s very sweet but I think Anya misses Fely! The live show was really enjoyable as usual and Anya had a great time. Can’t wait to catch them at MBS in September!

in her Hi-5 tee accompanied by Jup Jup

yay for Hi-5!

dancing along

bye and see you in September!

photo with the group

Read about the Hi-5 live show at Millenia Walk last year, the Hi-T that we had with Hi-5 and the first time we watched Hi-5 live!

4 thoughts on “Hi-5 at United Square

    1. delphine Post author

      We bought it Friven at Tanglin Post Office. But the shop’s not there any longer. You may be able to get it at MBS since they are having the Hi-5 live shows there?


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