NZ Trip: Christchurch – Earthquake Damage and Recovery

While in Christchurch, we took a walk down the Cathedral Square walkway which was open to the public. It was really sad to see the extent of the damage caused by the earthquakes in Sept 2010 and Feb 2011. The atmosphere at the container mall (a temporary pedestrian shopping mall made from shipping containers) built on the site of a shopping mall destroyed in the earthquakes was a lively and hopeful one though and the city is definitely taking action to pick itself up.

Of course, we were stunned to hear that Christchurch was struck by a series of earthquakes on Friday. While our hearts go out to the people in Christchurch, I really thank God that the earthquakes didn’t happen when we were there. I really don’t know what we would have done if we didn’t have power or water supply or if we had missed our flight home when we had three little kids to worry about. Also very sad to hear that the cathedral has suffered further damage although thank God again that there were no fatalities or serious injuries this time around.

many areas still fenced off

wonder what these streets used to be like

entering the Cathedral Square walkway

demolition notices

Christchurch Cathedral

container mall

Anya doing her part for the economy

One thought on “NZ Trip: Christchurch – Earthquake Damage and Recovery

  1. Pingback: NZ Trip: Christchurch – Earthquake Damage and Recovery « life in … | Earthquakes

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