Hi-5 and Angry Birds Live Shows

On Tuesday, my mum and I brought the kids to Millenia Walk so that Anya could watch the Hi-5 live show. We warned her that she wouldn’t be taking photos with Hi-5 unlike at the Hi-T. It was super crowded and the Hi-5 cast put up a really good show. I can’t stand going for a live show, waiting ages for it to start and then it’s all over in 5 minutes (e.g. the Barney live show). The Hi-5 live show is one of the better ones around for sure!

My mum wanted to look for a new washing machine and after checking out Harvey Norman at Millenia Walk, we went down to Ngee Ann City so that we could watch the Angry Birds live show and check out the washing machines at Best Denki. The Angry Birds live show was okay but nothing to queue up specially for.

check out that crowd!

Hi-5 is L-O-V-E!

Anya watching from the side

Adam being carried by an ex-neighbour

Angry Birds (on legs)

Angry Birds (on sticks)

One thought on “Hi-5 and Angry Birds Live Shows

  1. Pingback: Hi-5 at United Square « life in the wee hours

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