The rain is really getting me down! We can’t go anywhere and have to spend all our time hiding out at home or in shopping centres. Super depressing. Everything is musty and I can’t get my laundry to dry properly. I’m freezing too!! Ah well… To remind me of drier times, here are some pictures of Anya at the Vivocity outdoor play area last week:
Monthly Archives: January 2011
PLAYtime! The Magic Treetop
We went to watch ‘The Magic Treetop’ at the Esplanade today. It was much better than the previous PLAYtime! performance ‘The Kingdom under the Bed’ which we watched last October. The play was about a squirrel who took a robin’s egg thinking that it was a big nut and how the robin tried to get her egg back. The performance area was Y-shaped which meant that more kids could get up close to the action. There was a lot more interaction with the audience than that previous play we watched. There were ‘fireflies’ that ‘flew’ over the audience and ‘clouds’ that ‘floated’ by. The kids in the audience were also involved in gathering acorns for the squirrel and pasting coloured dots on a chameleon. There were spelling bees which flew around spelling words and the moral of the story was about being kind to others and doing the right thing. I thought it was very interesting and I think Anya enjoyed most of it though she was a bit clingy cos she didn’t nap and was very tired. I hope ‘The Magic Ocean’ that we’re watching next month will be as good (even though it’s in Mandarin which Anya doesn’t really understand)!
Ok, I still need to complain a bit about some of the parents and kids there. The two girls beside Anya kept shushing her BEFORE the play started which was a bit ridiculous. One of the girls also ‘stole’ a coloured dot from another girl and I had to ask her to return it. Her mother was seated somewhere at the back. Also don’t understand why parents don’t ensure that their kids behave!! I saw a boy tearing off a bit of the cloud floating by and after the play, there were kids pulling bits of the set off and the parents just didn’t care!!
staring at the ushers
some pictures from the PLAYtime! Facebook page
robin and squirrel
posing with daddy
skipping around
Anya on her Radio Flyer trike
When we first got Anya a bike helmet, she hated it and refused to wear it. If we even managed to get it on her, she would spend the whole time trying to pull it off! Fortunately, she’s a lot more willing to wear her bike helmet these days. I think we really need to thank Hi-5 for this because of some segments where they feature the characters or kids wearing their bike helmets! Each time one of these segments came on, Anya would insist on putting on her helmet.
So dear ol’ Auntie Debs bought her a trike for Christmas and Adrian fixed it up the other day. She wasn’t too keen on riding the trike at first because she was in the midst of playing with bubbles so she sat on it for a bit then ran off. But later in the afternoon, she decided that she wanted to ride along the corridor. I think she’s getting the hang of it even though she’s not very good at pedaling and steering at the same time!! Looking forward to more trike rides this weekend!
looking happy but actually more interested in bubbles
auntie steph (sadako) showing her how it’s done
“I’ll just squat here and watch, thanks very much.”
At the Singapore Flyer
We went to take a ride on the flyer the other day. It was a wet rainy day but we had the capsule all to ourselves so it was nice! It was my third time on the flyer and Anya’s second but it was Adrian’s first ride ever. Anya had a lot more fun this time and she was happily running around and pointing at things. Just before the ride, Adrian and I were wondering if she would decide that she needed to poop while we were stuck in the capsule. Of course, the moment we got on and the doors closed, our dear girl told us she had to poop. Well, she had no choice but to poop in her diaper!
Must Have Cute: Russian Doll Baby Shower
see more Must Have Cute
McDonald’s Miniatures
I have a weakness for miniature food and I totally love these McDonald’s miniatures! I just bought a set and they are so cute! My favourite is the little Filet-O-Fish! I would love to see some breakfast items though!
Reflections for Anya’s Twenty-Second Month
You are now 22 months old! Just 2 months to your 2nd birthday! It’s been an incredibly busy month for you and you have been running around Singapore visiting friends and relatives. You started off the month by watching The Nutcracker Musical at Vivocity and meeting Hello Kitty at Isetan Scotts. The latter event left such a deep impression on you that until now, when the topic of Hello Kitty comes up, you’ll still talk about how you took photos with Hello Kitty and how she had to go and sleep after that. Hehe.
You met up with a few of my JC friends and attended a whole bunch of Christmas parties! But before that, mummy and daddy ran away for a 5-day holiday in Phuket without you. You received so many presents for Christmas that I haven’t been able to sort them out yet! This month, you also went to visit the penguins at the bird park and dropped by the National Museum as well. You now have a younger male cousin, Ellery, and I hope you guys get along. You also attended another Little Gym camp and just the other day, you attended the BabyBjorn 50th birthday celebration.
This month, you’re talking a lot more and are using more phrases instead of just single words. I love how you like to go “no, no, no..” while wagging your finger. You have also learnt to count from one to ten (although it sounds more like this: wa, two, tee, pour, pie, tick, rabbit, ate, nine, ten) but frequently get confused halfway. You are singing more bits of songs too (including 我问天). You seem to have grown taller too and can open doors easily (too easily for my liking) and climb all over things.
You are growing up so quickly and getting naughtier every day. You’ve gotten so heavy that I can barely carry you but you’re still my little girl and always will be.
the soldiers seem to have difficulty lifting you
a hug for kitty!
you’re crazy about rabbits!
at the bird park
little gym camp
eating at coffee shop
eating at coffee bean
eating at babybjorn celebration
you insist that my hand must be on your knee in the car
wearing mummy’s shoes
panda eyes!
I thank God for you every day and I love you more with each passing day! I can’t believe you’re already 22 months old! Thank you for making life so much better for me! Always know that I love you very much and I can’t imagine life without you!