Something I noticed on my profile page which I found interesting:
Anya’s age = the length of time before our wedding anniversary! Okay, I’m aware that no one else is going to find this even vaguely interesting so I’m going to move on to the next random thing…
I have mastitis. Sigh. It’s not that bad. Had a fever yesterday and my head and body were aching quite badly but my boobs are not killing me so I’m not too miserable. I really hate feeling weak and helpless though.
On a related note, I felt that my milk supply was starting to dwindle so I decided to give fenugreek supplements a shot. They work! I really would like to feed Anya breast milk till she’s six months old if it’s possible but I won’t kill myself if circumstances prevent me from doing so. I do feel the pressure to continue beyond that since almost all the other mummies in my circle are/ were still breastfeeding even after their kid passed the six-month mark. Well, we’ll see. Anyway, when I eventually do stop giving her breast milk for whatever reason, I’m going to mark the occasion with a few martinis at Morton’s!
Anya got her library card today! The National Library is having some promotion and the youngest member to register between now and December will win a $500 library. I’m pretty sure she won’t be the youngest so all the expectant ladies (I think there are four on my friends list), go register your baby once you have a birth cert number so you can get free books! I don’t know if you even need a birth cert number because the registration form I filled in had a blank for expectant women to fill in the estimated date of delivery! Well, Anya got some free stuff (a baby CD, a baby journal, a book bag) for signing up and I can use her card so I can borrow twice the usual amount! Basic memberships are now entitled to borrow 2 AV items so I got some Baby Einstein DVDs for her today. I loooove to buy books but I’m trying not to buy too many new books for the time being since the money can be used for so many other things for the baby.
Finally, can all the mummies out there help me please?? Anya is terrible at falling asleep on her own. The only time she sleeps on her own is when she’s in the stroller being pushed around, in the carrier or after one of her middle-of-the-night feeds. At home, she usually gets very irritable when she’s tired and starts shouting. She has to be carried and patted till she falls asleep before we can put her down. Sigh. Please tell me how I can get her to nap on her own!! I borrowed some books from the library on that too so I’m hoping to find a solution somehow!
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