It was my birthday yesterday! Spent the morning struggling with the PM2S system and then had a meeting in school from 2-6pm. The husband was really sweet and came back with Ramly burgers, birthday cards and my favourite Cedele carrot cake. He also did the night shift which was great cos the little cranky baby woke up a couple of times to feed. Received lots of well-wishes through SMS (Thank you, Chee Han, Boon Siang, Adrian Tay, Qi, Fifi, Dad, Rence, Liz, Jansen, Jinrong, Tim, Debs, Nick, Pam, Gek Lee Aunty, Stanley, Des Loo, Lin Ser, Ardi, Amy, Wee How, Matt, Huixin, Xin and the in-laws!)and on Facebook (Thank you, Alice, Shaffie, Lizah, Fiona, Von, Gerald, Karen, Deborah, Shan, Adeline, Mak, Sarita, Des Yuen, Wendy, Stan, Bryan, Grace, Des Tan, Esther, Denvy, Thomas, Colin, Khunghui, Yongni, Kylie, Eugene, Suzie, Sharon, Trisha, Pam, Lin, Bianca & Fred!). Probably the quietest birthday I’ve had in years but I am happy. :)
Cake, Mummy?
Cards from Anya & the husband
She signed hers with her footprint
It’s been a pretty good birthday week. Had Father’s Day dinner with my family on Fri and then with Adrian’s folks on Sunday. Went to 10 at Claymore at the Pan Pacific Orchard for the 1-for-1 buffet lunch with Selena on Tuesday. We had fun eating and talking about our mad babies and husbands. Wednesday was Transformers for Adrian and I, and I’m having dinner with my colleagues tonight! :)
N.B. I know Michael Jackson died on my birthday but that’s really not my fault. :|